Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is Passionflower the Key to Flight Anxiety Relief?

Feel a slight sting in your stomach during particular bar during turbulence or a rough landing is an unpleasant experience that even the most universal experiences flier. But for some people this feeling is more than just a "light bite" in their stomach, and instead of only during turbulence and rough landing they feel this unpleasantness during the entire flight.

With air travel now considered an almost necessity of modern life these specific anxiety may prove to be very harmful to one's personal and business life. Even when someone is trying to avoid air travel at all, there are inevitably times when they have to travel by air. Moreover, they miss many experiences in their lives for all the times she excuses not to do simple things as a result of this fear.

There are known solutions to this terrible problem. These solutions include prescription drugs, alcohol and natural treatments. The first two are bad for your health in the long term, and both have direct adverse effects.

A very effective natural treatment of flying is a supplement called Passion. Passion was originally used as a treatment for anxiety and insomnia by the Indians and later by settlers. Compounds in the plant, known as flavonoids and alkaloids, regulate the neurotransmitters in your nervous system that reduce anxiety. A flavonoid called chrysin, calms the central nervous system and lowers your blood pressure.

By taking 400-600 mg of Passionflower extract shortly before takeoff you can help yourself experience a much nicer flight.

1 comment:

  1. the left knee. If its comfortable, you can walk your hands out in front of you and fold your torso over your legs. Repeat on the opposite side. Best breathing exercises for anxiety relief
