Friday, July 27, 2012

Treating Anxiety With Herbs - Passionflower

Botanicals have a lot to those who suffer from anxiety to offer. There are several herbs that wonderful nerve tonic properties that anxiety and panic attacks can soothe and help prevent them to have. The traditional herbal medicine practitioners and indigenous peoples have these herbs for centuries.

 Side effects are rare, making them very beneficial treatments. Although scientific evidence is minimal with respect to the proven effectiveness of these herbs, there are some studies suggest that when used together studies that show passionflower can reduce symptoms of anxiety and the treatment of the total system occurrences.

Passionflower is widely used as a sedative, antispasmodic and nerve tonic in natural medicine systems of Europe and Asia.
It was introduced in North America in the mid-1800s by the Indians and slaves who used them mostly in the southern states and the U.S. The effects of passion flower were believed to be primarily on the nervous system and usually used as a sedative. It has long been used worldwide for people with a fear of mental worry, emotional exhaustion and work to treat.

Passionflower is used in herbal treatments and is also found to dependence on drugs such as Valium and Librium reduction. This makes it a valuable addition to a treatment plan for someone to rely on medication. The herb calming measures are also reported for the treatment of ADHD and some other more common symptoms such as restless leg syndrome help. It is purported to cause less drowsiness than prescription drugs, contributing to the beneficial aspects. Passionflower is considered a useful bridge between traditional herbal medicine and the treatment of modern health problems, especially in cases of anxiety, depression and patients try to wean themselves from synthetic sleeping pills and tranquilizers. Despite the lack of research in the United States, that the disappointing attitude of the U.S. in the direction of herbs shows the herb is often used in Europe for fear, and studies show its advantage.

For example, a study of 36 people with generalized anxiety disorder demonstrated that passionflower was as effective as the drug oxazepam for the treatment of symptoms. In another study of 91 patients with symptoms of anxiety, the researchers found that a European product with passionflower and other herbal sedatives significantly reduce their symptoms were compared with a placebo.

As a completely natural way, Passion speaks to anxiety patients who want to reduce or eliminate the use of pharmaceutical drugs. However, caution is advised when taking other drugs such as sedatives because the herb may increase the effects of these substances. It is always best with your doctor or health care professional consulted first before deciding on a combination of natural herbs with your drug therapy as a treatment for anxiety or panic attacks. Herbs have the advantage of having little or no side effects, but must be treated with respect and attention for your personal needs and medications.

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